Both websites make
web designing surprisingly easy and understandable. suggested by my web design
teacher I found this
myself, quite helpful.
<html> <head> <title> Becki made a website </title> <meta name = "description" content = "piglet in sky" /> <meta name = "keywords content = "piglet, sky" /> </head> <body> <body background= "" />
<!--reminder: alignment!! ---> <p align="center"><b> welcome </b> <i> to the world of tomorrow</i> where <font size = "30"> piglets </font> <font size = "9" color = "deeppink"> rule </color> </font>
</p> <p> <font face="century gothic" <b> hello <font size = "30"> how are </font> <font size = "9" color = "forestgreen"> you </color> </font> </b></p>
<h1><i> is this big? </i></h1> <h2> is this smaller? <h2> </font face> </p> <p> <font face="times new roman" <font size = "60"> <i>
<a href = ""> click here for a pinhole blog </a href> </font></i> </body> </p> <img src = "" alt="piglet being held"/> </html> <p>
<font face = "Lucida Calligraphy"> <font size = "18" color = "lemonchiffon"> <ul> <li>piglets</li> <li>piglets in pj's</li> <li>piglets in houses</li> </ul> </color> </font>
</font face> </p> <p> <font face = "pristina"> <font size = "24" color = "indianred"> <oll> <li>piglets</li> <li>piglets in pj's</li>
<li>piglets in houses</li> </ol> </color> </font> </font face> </p>